Photo of Derek Burbidge

Derek Burbidge

[Rob Gonsalves on Derek Burbidge]: (About Urgh! A Music War) Director Derek Burbidge, who made rock videos back then (including "Cars" for Gary Numan and pretty much all the Police's early MTV highlights), is into simplicity, not flash (a useful approach when catching thirty-odd bands on the fly in three different countries). The bands are given space to work up their own rhythm -- the editing doesn't do it for them. Burbidge is as fond of the mammoth close-up as Sergio Leone ever was, and half of "Roxanne" seems to explore Sting's nostrils from previously unseen angles. Performers like Lux Interior and Jello Biafra seem to be dripping sweat right onto you. The effect is to take you into the front row.


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